衍生工具 Chap 2

发布于 2021-10-21  86 次阅读

Futures contracts


  • underlying asset, quality
  • contract size, not so large, not so small
  • expiration date, forward specifies the date, futures just assign month, along with life time(usually less than one year, but euro-dollar futures' life time can be 10 years)

Opening / Closing out a position



  • offsetting, enter into the opposite position to offset
  • real delivery / Cash settlement, inconvenient, expensive
  • exchange for physical, few


  • on behalf a promise
  • minimize the loss through a default
  • marking to market
  • can withdraw when benefit
  • must maintain the minimum maintenance margin


  • If not offset before maturity, there is a delivery.
  • short party's delivery option
    • what is delivered
    • where it is delivered
    • when it is delivered
  • short party's issues notice of intention to deliver

Three critical dates

  • the first notice day
  • the last trading day, a few days before 3
  • the last notice

The clearing house will choose the oldest long position to take deliver.

Convergence of Futures to Spot

futures above spot

arbitrage opportunity:

  • short futures
  • buy asset
  • make delivery immediately

$$profit = futurs' price - spot price$$


  • open interest: 敞口,未平仓合约量
  • settlement price:
  • when a futures contract is traded, the open interest may increase, decrease or stay the same.

Accounting & Tax

  • Not for hedge: record when it happen

Forward contracts

  • specified date to deliver
  • no money changes at first, initial contracts value is zero
  • delivery price: K, specified price in a forward contract, remain the same
  • forward price is the delivery price that would be applicable to the contract if it were negotiated today, change as time goes by
  • forward price equal to forward price at first
  • Terminal value for long position: $S_t - K$
  • Terminal value for short position: $K-S_t$

Foreign exchange quotes

  • futures exchange rates are quoted with USD
  • forward

