衍生工具 Chap 3

ArslanTu 发布于 2021-10-21 1,069 次阅读

  • 利率期货第六章讲

Basic principles

  • what's perfect hedging: completely
  • short hedge: be afraid of price decrease
  • long hedge: be afraid of price increase
  • cross hedge: asset to be hedged is different from the futures underlying assets. Use asset with related or opposite tendency
  • [rolling hedge](#Rolling the hedge forward)

Arguments for and against hedging


  • companies should focus on producing
  • should manage risk


  • shareholders have done such things
  • may increase risk to hedge when competitors do not
  • loss on hedge and gain on the underlying asset

Basis risk

Basis is the difference between spot & futures:
$$ B = S - F$$
where B: Basis, S: Spot price, F: Future price
At expiration, basis equals 0, Before expiration, basis can be positive or negative

  • $S_x$ means spot price at $t_x$
  • $F_x$ means future price at $t_x$
  • $b_x$ means basis at $t_x$ and equals $S_x - F_x$

when $h=1$, we can get:

For short hedge

Effective price: $S_2 + (F_1 - F_2) = F_1 + b_2$

For long hedge

Effective price: $S_2 - (F_2 - F_1) = F_1 + b_2$


Strengthening of basis

  • basis increases
  • short hedger''s position improves
  • long hedger's position worsens

Weakening of the basis

  • basis decreases
  • short hedger''s position worsens
  • long hedger's position improves

从effective price方面考虑,基差扩大or缩小意味着$F_1 + b_2$的扩大和缩小

Choice of the contract

  1. choosing underlying asset. Exact match is prefer but not always.
  2. choosing the delivery month. As close as possible, but later than.

Optimal hedge ratio

  • the size of the position in futures contracts to the size of the exposure
  • If hedge ratio equals h: $Effective \ price = S_2 - h*(F_2-F_1)$
  • The minimum variance hedge ratio is:
    $$h = \rho \frac{\sigma_S}{\sigma_F}$$
  • The optimal number of contracts:

$$N = \frac{h*Q_A}{Q_F}$$


$$N = \frac{h*V_A}{V_F}$$

where Q means quantity and V means dollar value

Index futures

报价合约规模 = 指数*乘数(如:300元)


  • 套保效果:不论指数如何涨跌,都能获取无风险收益率
  • 套保的好处:相比购买T-Bill或存银行,套保的流动性、避税效果更好

Changing $\beta$

short position to change $\beta$ from $\beta$ to $\beta^$:
$$N = (\beta - \beta^

Equity and Cash

Currency futures


  • 出口商收到外币货款,担心外币贬值,需要做空外币
  • 进口商付出外币货款,担心外币升值,需要做多外币

Rolling the hedge forward

  • the shorter the maturity is, the more liquid the contract is.
  • use a series of futures contracts to increase the life of a hedge. eg. four contracts with half year to hedge for two years.

Hedging strategy

  1. Long hedge
  2. short hedge
  3. cross hedge
  4. strip hedge
  5. stack hedge
  6. rolling hedge
